G0OUR Affiliated to the OU Club and the Radio Society of Great Britain
to our tenth news letter. The clubs AGM was held on the 18th of
January, copies of the minutes are available from the secretary, Ted
Fountaine (G0GCG) Estates, Walton Hall. We were very pleased to welcome
Paul O'Connor G1ZCY to the meeting, who travelled down from Birmingham
for the occasion. Paul spent some time in the shack after the meeting,
giving the club call an airing on 40 and 80m.
In January of each
year, O.U. Clubs are invited to bid for funds to the O.U. Club. As a
result of discussions at the AGM, it was decided we would bid for
funding to help us set up a satellite station for Oscar 13, using the
2m and 70cm bands. Specifically we asked for money to enable us to
purchase a second hand 70cm multimode, and aerial, since we already
have a suitable 2m rig. We were very fortunate to have our bid
accepted, and we are now scouring the second hand ads (again!). The
O.U. Club also pay for the G0OUR licence each year and for our RSGB
affiliation. We are very grateful to them for their support. In
considering our bid, the O.U. Club were impressed by our fund raising
activities, including 'junk' sales and Disco's! While on the subject,
in conjunction with the O.U. Disco, we are putting on another 60's
night on the 10th of June, and would be grateful for assistance from
members. This mainly involves checking tickets on the door, selling
raffle tickets, and clearing up the mess afterwards! In June we plan to
have a stall at the new rally to be held in Bletchley Park, and we will
of course be at Cranfield again in September all being well.
now have some OUARC pages on the Internet. Our URL (Uniform Resource
Locator) is Various
useful information is included: An Introduction to the club, some
colour pictures of the aerials, node, and QSL cards, club newsletters,
and member profiles. In addition there is entry to a number of ham news
groups, Web ham sites, other interesting Web sites, and the O.U. Web
main entrance. Any member wishing to add their profile, or any other
information, should contact Ian Cameron G0TLB at Walton Hall. If you
have already sent in a profile for the newsletter and don't mind us
including it in the club pages, please give Ian the go ahead and he
will do the rest. Ian can be contacted via packet @GB7BED, or Email You could even drop him a line at Walton Hall
or give him a ring! (01908 655162).
The last news letter
reported that the HF beam was nearing completion. I am pleased to say
that assembly was completed on the 16th of January, and on the 1st of
February the beast was cranked airborne for the first time. Due to
restricted space around the tower, it was impractical to fit the beam
with the tower tilted over. Instead the tower was lowered to its
minimum height, and the beam hauled into position using a rope and
pulley system, with a ladder up the side of the tower to facilitate
final fixing. We are very grateful to everyone who helped in this
project, which included quite a few non club members. Our equipment
officer Tom G0PSU proved himself on this and subsequent occasions, to
be a dab hand up a ladder. Fortunately for us, the beam performed first
time according to its specification, fine adjustments would have
entailed dropping it down to ground level again, a major task. One
reason this aerial was chosen was for its wide bandwidth, important for
a club station catering for both SSB and CW advocates. We were not
disappointed, the SWR is excellent across each of the 3 bands. In use
we have received some very gratifying reports form all over the world,
with comments like "outstanding signal" being common, G0OUR is now
firmly on the world map.
Since putting the beam up we have
suffered some very windy weather, so the tower has been up and down
like the proverbial yo-yo. We have just completed some essential
maintenance as we had some problems with the rotator and cables. The
guys have been replaced with much stronger UV resistant rope, and the
guy stakes are now extra heavy duty! Ted G0CGC did an excellent job
splicing the ropes for us. An aerial system of this size needs
continued care and maintenance and Tom, our equipment officer is doing
a great job organising this (and doing most of the work!).
Unfortunately our ladder has been stolen, which complicates matters
somewhat, and we will most likely have to buy a replacement in the near
future. We still have the big doublet up at 75' for 160 and 80m. On 40m
we now have a dipole at 60' and a base fed sloper, with the tribander
for HF. The aerial switching system has been greatly simplified using a
pair of coax switches. We don't currently have any aerials for the WARC
bands, but the doublet could be pressed into service if required.
sorted out the HF aerials we now need to get cracking on the VHF/UHF
front. Jim G1HUE is looking into a suitable aerial system for the
satellite link. We plan to erect 2m and 70cm horizontal beams for
normal terrestrial working. Perhaps the two can be combined somehow. It
has also been suggested that we replace our aged 2m ground plane with a
dual band colinear. The local TV repeater is now operational again, and
Tom G3LMX plans to fit a 3cm receive horn on the tower next time it is
On the QSL front, we are still receiving lots of cards
from the bureau, both for GB25OU and G0OUR. We have just had another
1000 cards printed as we were nearing the end of our last batch. The
O.U. Public Relations dept. kindly updated the design and had the cards
printed for us at their expense. A copy of the new QSL is included with
this newsletter. It is on slightly heavier card, the layout has been
improved, and equipment/aerial details are now included, so saving time
when filling them in.
Not a lot has happened on the packet front
of late. One of the nodes we link to (EB-G4BHT) is closing down in
July, so there will be some reorganisation of mail forwarding locally.
Dave G4NVB, our new sysop at GB7BEN, is doing a great job after pulling
most of his hair out chasing hardware teething troubles! Dave is now
able to forward directly to GB7BED on 70cm, and hopefully will be able
to set up a direct link to GB7LWB before EB closes down. OU will
continue to provide Dave with a link to GB7AVM in Oxfordshire. The
trial link to GB7ZPU on 70.4875 did not work too well, so our 4m port
has been returned to the Cluster frequency. We now provide the only
link to GB7DXH in the area, since the DXH/EB 6m link has failed, and
will not be reinstated due to the EB shut down.
There are no new
members to welcome this time. Our members profile comes from Brian
Davies G3OYU. Brian thoughtfully sent in a copy of his monologue on
disk, and so has saved my fingers some work! Here goes:
From my
call sign, and O.U. records, you can determine that I am pretty old,
some would say 'yes and decrepit'! Actually I am 60, but in keeping
with tradition only feel around 30 most of the time. I first became
interested in radio during the second world war. I used to cycle to
school with two neighbours' sons the father of one being an electronics
engineer with RCA, the Radio Corporation of America. The son, Tommy,
was very much a genius and went on to become a research engineer with
Marconi. As kids we used to knock up radios of various types starting
with crystal sets. The crystals we used were lumps of crystal and the
well known cats whisker. For an aerial I well remember hooking onto our
telephone overhead line, isolated with a small capacitor. I then moved
on through various projects mostly to do with early model radio
control. My first and lasting set used two PM2HL directly heated valves
in the transmitter and an acorn valve in the receiver. It never worked
properly and for several years after I had little to do with radio.
Then around 1955 I became interested again and by the end of 1956 was
working for Radio Rentals firstly rigging aerials and subsequently
installing TV sets and radios. After a couple of years I had sufficient
experience to start servicing. Around that time I became acquainted
with a customer who was also a radio amateur, G3OKY Denis still a
friend today. By now it was 1959 and I had joined the Clifton Amateur
Radio Society at New Cross, G3GHN, and signed up for the RAE at Croydon
Technical College under the most well known tutor, locally, Captain
Jackson. I passed the exam in 1960, sat the Morse test early in 1961
and received my call sign shortly after. The next few years saw much
change in my life as I moved into industrial electronics and eventually
in 1969 I started my own company servicing radios and televisions.
this time my one other burning activity was music, I could not play an
instrument other than a turntable and I got into the then fledgling
disco scene. Determined to do the job properly I took myself off on day
release to the North London Polytechnic to learn all about sound,
recording and reproduction in all its detail. This was the beginning of
the learning bug. By 1974 I had passed the City & Guilds Telecoms
part three 'Sound Studios and Recording' and still wanted to learn
more. I was encouraged to take education much further and was finally
pushed to apply to the O.U. and started the long haul to a BA in 1975,
finally graduating in 1986. The courses I took were M100; S100; TS282;
T291; ST291; S271; S236; MST204 and M351. Subsequently I have taken
T363; M205 and M261. My current course this year will be M355. I shall
soon transfer to the BSc Honours for obvious reasons. My own company
has changed direction several times over the years. I no longer service
domestic electronics, the general reliability of televisions and radios
has improved so much that it became difficult to make a reasonable
living. I am now running a successful mobile disco mostly at weekends
and during the week I service industrial electronic apparatus, mostly
on the photographic side of aerial survey. I am, and have been for
several years, teaching at local adult education centres. I currently
teach the RAE on a Tuesday; GCSE Maths on a Wednesday and Photography
for beginners on a Friday. I have demonstrated for T281 for the past
few years at Summer School and hope to continue this with T203 this
year. On the radio front I am active on 2m and 70cms from home and the
car, and can make the HF bands given a few minutes notice. I am also
trying to get active on Amtor et al.
Well that rounds up another newsletter. Please send any news for the next one to Fraser at Walton Hall.
Have a good Easter. 73...
Contact: Adrian Rawlings