G0OUR Affiliated to the OU Club and the Radio Society of Great Britain
there is a red cross at the top of this newsletter it indicates that
your subscription for 2000 has not been received. If so, your continued
support of the club would be much appreciated. Subs remain at five
pounds per anum. Cheques payable to OUARC should be sent to the
Treasurer, Fraser Robertson, S1021 Venables Building, OU, MK7 6AA.
end of 1999 and the beginning of 2000 saw much maintenance work on the
club aerials. An intermittent fault on the HF yagi meant it had to be
taken down. This was the first time the beam had been taken down since
it was installed in January '95. It was quite a major task and many
members helped to get it down safely. The fault was narrowed down to
one half of one element, but it was apparent that all the connections
were badly corroded and a complete overhaul was required. The beam had
been originally supplied with copper loaded paste and instructions to
apply this to all mating sections. With hindsight it was not a good
idea to apply copper paste to an aluminium aerial. All joints had to be
dismantled and cleaned, and aluminium loaded paste (Penetrox) was
smeared on the mating surfaces. Unfortunately one of the gamma match
brackets was broken during re-assembly. A replacement was ordered but
got lost in the Christmas post. Eventually a second replacement arrived
and the overhaul completed. The first bracket eventually turned up,
almost a month after it was posted in Wales. Not bad for first class
The beam was re-erected on the 5th January. Again quite a
tricky business, eight members turned out to help and everyone was
usefully employed. The beam is now working perfectly again. While the
tower was down the coax feeding the 30m dipole was replaced since it
had water ingress and also the inner core had broken. This dipole was
shortened for use on the 17m band because the 17m Bi-square had proved
a bit unwieldy with all the other aerial work going on. There is some
interaction between the 17m dipole and the beam on 15m, so some further
work is needed. A wire was suspended from the tower which will form a
5/8 wavelength vertical for 30m, but as yet the radials and matching
unit have not been fitted. The 12m delta loop in the trees continues to
work very well indeed.
Having sorted out the existing aerials,
attention was drawn to the new portable mast. This required a fair bit
of groundwork; putting down and levelling slabs for its wheels and
out-riggers, and installing the stakes and guys. An arrangement of
parallel dipoles for 160/80/40m was made up and fitted to a stub mast.
This work was mostly carried out by Adrian and Fraser, and extended
over several weekends. After some careful calculations and adjustments
a good match was obtained on each band. We used the technique of
folding the ends of the topband legs back on themselves rather than
cutting the wire. Even though the wire is insulated, the folded part
becomes invisible to RF. As an experiment we cut a length off the ends
of the folded sections and it made no difference to the resonant
frequency, but folding more wire back did. The final arrangement gives
us three dipoles with apex heights of around 120 feet and 100 degree
apex angles. The aerials, feeder and stub mast are on loan to the club
from Fraser.
As can be imagined the high dipoles perform very
well, and some comparisons have been carried out with the existing LF
dipoles. Reports from DX stations indicate an improvement of from about
zero to 10dB. As expected, the lower the frequency the greater the
difference. It was noted that some short skip signals are somewhat
stronger on the lower aerials, particularly on 40m. The club station
was used by Fraser G4BJM during the FOC Marathon in February, and by
Paul G0WAT in the Commonwealth Contest in March. Both noted a very high
noise level on the LF bands. One of these days it would be interesting
to try to track down its source. The portable mast is due to be taken
down in the coming weeks, but we plan to put it up again during the
summer, and for next winters DX season. There is much scope for
experimentation, and we certainly plan to try out some other LF
aerials, most likely some kind of vertical for starters.
in January went off well with numerous issues being discussed,
including safety, boot sales, future purchases, publicity and so on. We
agreed to continue our QST subscription. Copies of the minutes are
available from Adrian, email: At the March meeting
of the Field Site User Group we were advised that the long term use of
the site is still under review, and part of it may be used to extend
car parking as early as this year. Also there are plans to extend the
security lodge in our direction, almost doubling its current size. That
is rather worrying considering the EMC problems we have had with them
in recent years.
There have been some changes to the packet
node. We now have a dedicated link to GB7DID in Didcot, Oxon., which
replaces the AVN (Chinnor) link. This is working quite well, and also
gives reliable Cluster access to GB7DXI in Wokingham, although DXI is
moving to Reading in April. We have also established a 9600 baud link
to GB7BED in Bedford, although we have reverted to 1200 baud for the
moment until a new frequency is found for the 9k6 link. MKPAC have
tentatively agreed to fund the radio for this new link, which currently
uses a modified Kenwood TM441E which is on loan.
The last
lunchtime video was back in January, covering the 1999 Dxpedition to
Campbell Island - ZL9CI. The video was made by James 9V1YC who owns a
video production company, and so it was of an unusually high standard.
We have two short videos lined up for Tuesday 9th May. Firstly, Two
Pioneers of Radio - G2DX and G6CJ (22 min.) by the Bristol TV Group,
followed by Secret Listeners (30 min.), a BBC account of the work of
amateurs during the Second World War. These will be shown starting at
12.30pm in N2028 Venables Building. Everyone welcome.
The main
shack PC (486DX66) has been upgraded to have 32M ram. The 286 that was
used for packet finally died a death, and has now been replaced with a
486DX50, also with 32M ram and running Windows95. Both PCs were put
together from scrap bits and pieces that had been donated to the club.
We plan to run Winpack in the shack in the near future. Touch wood
there have been no RFI problems apparent with either PC, on transmit or
This summer we have another O.U. Open Day, which will
be held on Saturday 24th June. We hope that some of our more distant
members will be able to visit and do some operating in the shack.
73 for now ...
Contact: Adrian Rawlings