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G0OUR Affiliated to the OU Club and the Radio Society of Great Britain

Following our grant from the General Purposes Fund, we have obtained a second hand Kenwood TL922 amplifier for the club station, and this is now giving good service with the Corsair 2. In preparation for erecting an HF beam, a replacement top section for the tower has been purchased, since the existing one is in very poor condition. We have also ordered a new Yaesu G-1000SDX rotator and GS-065 thrust bearing. It was considered that buying a second hand rotator would quite likely prove to be false economy in the long run. We are still on the look out for a second hand beam in good condition, and any tips would be appreciated. The tower refurbishment will most likely be deferred until we have the rotator and beam.

The Sixties Disco on the 26th November proved to be a success, despite heavy fog on the evening which no doubt kept some people at home. A total of 132 pounds and 13 pence was raised for the radio club, and we are indebted to the OU Disco Club for this fund raising opportunity. The raffle proceeds were donated to Children in Need, which fell on the same evening.

Some club members attended the MKDARS Junk Sale recently, and managed to shift some of our 'junk' stockpile. There is still plenty left, and we are always collecting. We plan to attend a number of sales next year in order to boost club funds.

We have managed to obtain a 286 computer for the shack. All the software from the old XT has been transferred, plus a demo version of the Super Duper Logging program. The XT will probably be dedicated to running the Baycom packet station.

The 'OU' packet node is now operational from its new location on the top floor of the Venables building. The 6m port on 50.67MHz was first to be operational, on the 24 th November, using a modified Pye Westminster with 15W to a 5 element tonna horizontally polarised at 55'. This port provides a reliable mail forwarding route between GB7BEN in Bletchley and GB7LWB Northants, via the EB node (G4BHT Earls Barton). A second port links down to GB7AVM in Chinnor, Oxon, on 70cm, using a NEC400 PMR rig to a 24 element vertical yagi at 55'. This link is working fairly well, although new crystals are on order so that we can move to a quiet channel, which should be a big improvement. We are experimenting with a third port on 4m using a second Wessie, and a 4 element beam at 60'. This has proved unreliable linking to GB7BED (Bedford). It is now temporarily being used for DXCluster access to GB7DXH in Hemel Hempstead, although we are looking into setting up a mail forwarding link to GB7MSW in Harpenden on 4m. Future plans include additional VHF/UHF ports, the construction of 9600 baud modems, computer upgrade to allow multi tasking, and perhaps an HF port for direct forwarding to Europe and beyond. To date the majority of the equipment and aerials for this project has been loaned or donated.

The shack has been rearranged, and we now have a 'VHF corner'. Jim G1HUE is erecting a second VHF aerial on a mast adjoining the caravan. Jim is interested in satellite communications, so this may be a future club project. Tom G3LMX is putting together a 10GHz ATV station for the club and is aiming to have something operational for Open Day. Graham is now G7RHS and is active on packet from Surrey, his BBS is GB7GFD. Martin G4TOO is now on packet @ GB7ESX. He is awaiting his S102 results, and has applied for S271 and S281 for next year. Ian G0TLB operated G0OUR for a short time in the RSGB Club Calls contest. Two more batches of cards arrived from the bureau this month.

Because of the nature of the OUARC, some members are somewhat remote from the central core of activities. It has been suggested that these members may like to write in telling us a little about themselves, their OU studies, and amateur radio activities. We can then include members profiles in future newsletters. To this end, an SAE has been sent with this newsletter to those members who are off campus.

Its good to see that subscriptions for 1994 have started trickling in. As always we welcome your continued support for the clubs activities. The annual sub remains at 6 pounds, payable to OUARC. Our AGM is on Wednesday 12th January, in the Green Room, above the Lecture Theatre. We hope for a good turn out, please make a note in your diaries. Those able to attend can pay their subs then.

Thats about it for this newsletter. It just remains to wish you all seasons greetings, and a successful 1994.

Contact: Adrian Rawlings